Headquarters for The Clan Blackwolf: The Warriors of Order
Video Game Tributes

Here you will find some AMVs, and VGMVs, and once in a while a music remix from my studio. Enjoy! If you want to share thoughts on them, email me at aerylonblackwolf@yahoo.com or AerylonBlackwolf@gmail.com

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On this page, you will find various Video files/and/or Music Remixes for download. All music, FMVs, Cut scenes, game movies, etc, copyright their respective owners. These movies are made of trailers, music I like, and FMV cut scenes. I hope you enjoy them. If so, drop me an e-mail and let me know! If you hate em, let me know that too. But make sure your argument is well thought out. I do not respond to things like: " That sucks," or " Thats crap," and the like. If you do not like them, tell me WHY you don't.
Aerylon Blackwolf.

Disclaimer: All characters, music, storylines and such are copyright their respective artists, musicians, and studios and or corporations. In no way are my trailers made to be sold or used in anyone elses AMV's. You may not decompile them to use in your own projects. Any music remixes found on these pages are tribute mixes and/or remixes. All music copyright their respective creators and/or corporations and/or Actors where applicable.
Any questions? Don't understand? Don't like what the paragraph says? Then Don't download them.
Lord Aerylon Blackwolf: Clan Blackwolf Guildmaster and Website Creator/Owner.