Headquarters for The Clan Blackwolf: The Warriors of Order
Official Clan Precepts
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Official Clan Precepts
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Copyrights, Rules, and other Legal Jargon.

These are the rules by which EVERY Clan member abides by, lives by, and dies by. Most are non-negotiable. Depending on the circumstances. I reserve the right to refuse membership to anyone at any time. Further, if a Clan member does things that are not acceptable within the Precepts, then they may recieve punishment by myself, or my second, or the High Council. Please note: ALL final Decisions are mine. All decisions that refer to a banning, or judgement call are final and cannot and will not be discussed. No exceptions. There aren't any reasons why a person should attack another outside of the RPG. Thanks.

Official Clan Precepts:

1:Wearing the name Blackwolf is an honor and a privilege, not a right. Wear it proudly.

2:Attacks on fellow members outside an extablished RPG is not tolerated.

3:Remember to be respectful of other clan members wishes and beliefs. We our not all from the same place.

4: I should not have to tell you that loyalty to one another is a priority. Defend fellow members, and do not allow another to hurt your brothers or sisters.

5:Honor is not something one should HAVE to remember to be. Nor is it something someone should be told to be either. Honor is something that grows within us all like a lover's relationship. Clan members must remember they bear the family name and any disrespect to others is a disrespect to the name, to me, to this site, and what we stand for and believe. (If problems occur, notify me, and I shall handle it. Do not take it into your own hands; this is why I am here.)

6: Cursing and sexual innuendo is not tolerated in the Club, the RPG site, or in any post. NO Exceptions. 

7:Posts that contain sexual tones and or cursing will be deleted, and that members privileges in this club will be revoked.

9:Always follow orders given by the Guildmaster, second in command, or High Council. If a member has a problem or question about a rule, a judgement call or the like, please ask me.

10:Guildmaster and his Second in Command has final say in all Clan Matters. If the Guidmaster isn't present, then The Second automatically assumes responsibility. If the Second is not around, then it falls to the High Council.

Finally, the Web Master (Guildmaster), and/or his staff (Speaking for him) or the High Council have final say. Period. Any trouble makers will be booted, no questions asked, and they will not be allowed back into the clan, or its affiliated groups/clubs/websites. NO EXCEPTIONS. These are our Precepts, the rules by which we live.

The Warriors of Order

Clan Blackwolf

We fight against Chaos. Destiny has come for all of us


The Precepts are for the most part, non-negotiable. Unless there are circumstances fitting the rule to not apply, then I will take direct action and make a judgement call.