Headquarters for The Clan Blackwolf: The Warriors of Order
Copyrights, Rules, and other Legal Jargon.
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Copyrights, Rules, and other Legal Jargon.

ALL pictures, characters, locations, and stories, Aerylon Blackwolf, Clan Blackwolf, Clan Cymbols, and characters within these stories are copyright MasterWerks Studios, and Daniel Cox. ALL Submissions by members, visitors, etc., are copyright their respective writers and creators, and can be used by MasterWerks Studios for further story archs, novels, short stories, or screenplays written by them without payment, royalties, or promise of such services without direct authorization of MasterWerks Studios, staff, or associates. Members, visitors, etc., understands this notice and agrees upon sign-up with this site's webmaster, his staff, or associates and agree to it. With the exception of previously copyrighted materials, ideas or characters that are being submitted with permission. ALL Characters are welcome on this site. ALL Unique Web Art designed by Zentao. Used with permission.



Don't understand the above? E-Mail me and I will answer any questions. Daniel Cox (Site Creator-Web Master)